Event Record: Ball Aerospace – 2:18.25 – set in 2019
Each participating team shall consist of SIX coed team members (3 women & 3 men) dribbling a soccer ball 50 yards around 4 pylons advancing the ball with ones feet only.
The six participants may participate in any male/female order. Two start zones (see diagram) will be identified with pylons. Participants 1, 3 and 5 will be located at the first start point.
Participants 2, 4 and 6 will begin at the opposite start point. Time will start when the horn/whistle is sounded and conclude when the last participant’s entire body crosses the finish line.
Each participant will run from their exchange zone to the ball zone. Once to the ball zone, each participant will dribble the soccer ball and weave around the 4 pylons advancing the ball with ones feet only. The weave must be completed in the correct direction around the pylon; the first and third pylons clockwise and the second and forth pylons counter-clockwise (see diagram). Each missed weave will add 5 penalty seconds to your final team time. More than 2 missed weaves by the total team results in team disqualification.
Once each participant finishes the pylon weave, they must stop the soccer ball completely in ball zone with their feet (no hands are allowed in the event). If the ball does not stop completely in the ball zone the current participant must retrieve the soccer ball and dribble it back into the ball zone. No other person may assist in stopping the soccer ball in the ball zone.
Once the soccer ball is fully stopped in their designated ball zone the current participant will run to the exchange zone and cross the line. After the participant completing the course crosses the start line, the next participant may enter the course and run to the ball zone. Participants of legs 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 may not leave their starting line until the previous participant’s entire body crosses the line. Failure to complete a proper exchange will result in a time penalty.
Any intentional missed weave, as determined by the event judge, by any of the 6 team members, will result in team disqualification.
The clock stops when the 6th person’s entire body crosses the start/ finish line.