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Sack Race

June 7


Event Record: LexisNexis – 42.27 – set in 1998

Each participating team shall consist of SIX coed team members (3 women & 3 men) each hopping in a sack a total of 100 yards. Exchanges shall occur every 15 or 20 yards.

The sack race consists of four 15 yard hops and two 20 yard hops. A man and a woman must hop one of the two 20 yard distances. Both feet must remain in the bag and at least one hand must remain in contact with the sack while hopping.

Locomotion consists of hopping. Any intentional form of locomotion other than hopping will result in penalty points being assessed.

There are 5 exchange zones. Each exchange zone consists of the area between the yard line and a cone one yard from the line. All sack exchanges must be made within this exchange zone. Only the 2 team members involved with the exchange may assist each other with the exchange. After each team member concludes their portion of the sack race, they must remain at the site of their exchange -vs.- traveling down field with the individual in the sack to the finish line. This eliminates a large congregation at the finish line making it easier for the timers. Time stops when the last person’s entire body crosses the finish line.


2 seconds: For each occurrence of intentional non-hopping or improper exchange


June 7


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WSU Rinzler Student Sports Complex
Rizler Student Sports Complex
Beavercreek, OH 45324 United States
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