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Miniature Golf

June 1 @ 8:30 am - 11:00 am


Event Record: NCR – 158 strokes – set in 2001

LexisNexis 158 strokes set in 2005

Each participating team shall consist of FOUR coed team members (2 women & 2 men). 2 pairs of golfers, one female and one male will be required to play at each course.

Should a team member not be present at the scheduled start, that individual will be given a score of 6 on each hole they do not play. If no holes are played, the participant will receive a score of 108 for the 18- hole round. For each participant, the maximum number of strokes per hole is six (including shirt penalties) up to a maximum of 108.

If a team member does not show or is late, the team may substitute for the missing participant using the normal substitution procedure. The substitute may NOT catch-up any missed holes. He/She must begin at the hole then being played by the missing participant’s group. Once a substitution is made, the substitute must complete the round. If no substitution is made, a late participant may begin putting at the hole then being played by their assigned group. There shall be NO catch-up regardless of when the late- arriving participant begins.

Individuals may use their own putters and golf ball.

The start shall be a ‘shot-gun’ start with all participants beginning play at the same time. This means there will be 1 or 2 groups at every hole -vs- everyone starting at the first hole and progressing around the course in normal fashion.

Each person shall travel in a group. The rotation of play shall alternate based on the location of the participants’ company name on the scorecard (i.e., The order on the first hole will be players 1,2,3,4,5; the order for the second hole will be players 2,3,4,5,1 and so on). The group will present their scorecard to the volunteer at the hole and shall putt one at a time finishing the hole before the next person begins. The scorer will announce the company name and the participant’s score following the completion by each putter. If there is an error in either the company name or the score, the participant must tell the scorer immediately. Once the group has left the hole, the score is assumed correct. The group will take the scorecard back from the volunteer and move to the next hole. The decision of the volunteer scorer is final.

A player may choose to replay one hole by using a mulligan ticket. Mulligan tickets are available for purchase for $5.00 (with all money going directly to Special Olympics) prior to the start time of the golf event on Sunday. To use a mulligan, the golfer must present the volunteer with his/her ticket immediately after he/she has finished putting and say that he/she would like to do the hole over. Once the mulligan ticket is presented then the score that the golfer receives on their second attempt will be the score recorded. A golfer may use a mulligan ticket only once during their round of 18 holes.

Each participant is required to add their own score at the conclusion of his/her 18 holes and initial the scorecard to validate the score as correct. The volunteer scorer shall keep the card and return it to the clubhouse.

Rules of Golf facility shall be followed, as to strokes for water hazards and sand traps. It is quite possible that there may be some small changes in rule interpretation from volunteer to volunteer. Volunteers, however, will be consistent throughout the event on their ruling for every group for that hole.


June 1
8:30 am - 11:00 am


Battle of The Businesses
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The Trails Miniature Golf
1601 E David Rd
Kettering, OH 45429 United States
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