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Punt, Pass & Place Kick

June 7


Event Record: Reynolds & Reynolds – 704 Feet – set in 2014

Each participating team shall consist of SIX coed team members (3 women & 3 men), each contributing to the total distance accumulated from two punts, two passes, and two place kicks. Each participant shall be responsible for only one of the six opportunities to gain yardage. One male and one female must be used in each event (i.e. one female punter & one male punter, etc.). All teams will compete in the following order: punt (female, male), pass (female, male), and then place kick (female, male).

The Battle will provide all the footballs and the tees. Men must use the official size football provided by the Battle. Women may use either the official size football or the junior size football provided by the Battle. Any molded cleat, turf shoe, or tennis shoe can be used, but NO METAL SPIKES will be allowed. Flat toe kicking shoes are also permitted. Complaints concerning the inflation of the footballs must be made prior to the attempt. Grievances will not be accepted after an attempt. All distances will be measured to the nearest whole foot.

Should a team member not be present at the scheduled start, that individual will be given zero yardage in the category (Punt/Pass/Place Kick) of the participating team’s choice. If a team member does not show or is late, the team may substitute for the missing participant using the normal substitution procedure.


A team may choose to redo a single participant’s punt, pass or place kick by using a mulligan ticket. Only one mulligan will be allowed per team and the mulligan must be used immediately after he/she has completed their punt, pass or place kick. A team cannot see the results of all their participants and then decide to use their mulligan. Once the team decides to use their mulligan, then the yardage that he/she receives on their second attempt will be the score recorded. Mulligans will cost $10.00 (with all money going directly to Special Olympics) and will be made available at the event.

PUNT: From behind the start line, the football must be dropped and punted prior to the ball hitting the ground. The participant may not touch or cross the start line at any time. The yardage gained will be measured from the middle of the start line to the point at which the ball lands on the ground. Rolls will NOT be counted in the distance. All punts must land within a lateral distance of 20 yards.

PASS: The football must be thrown from behind the start line and at no time shall any part of the participant’s body touch or cross the start line. The yardage gained will be measured from the middle of the start line to the point at which the ball lands on the ground. Rolls will NOT be counted in the distance. All passes must land within a lateral distance of 20 yards.

PLACE KICK: The football must be on a tee to be kicked. The participant will not be penalized if they make contact with or go over the line during the kick, provided the tee is placed on or behind the line. The yardage gained will be measured from the middle of the start line to the point at which the ball lands on the ground. Rolls will NOT be counted in the distance. All kicks must land within a lateral distance of 20 yards.

Zero yardage will be given to the attempt for any of the following reasons:

  • Any part of the participant’s body touching or crossing the start line (punt & pass only)
  • Participants not using the footballs or tees provided by the Battle
  • Any forfeited attempt due to a lack of 3 men and 3 women team participants
  • Any participant who attempts more than one event will be given zero yardage in all events he/she attempted
  • Any attempt in the Punt or Pass or Place Kick that lands on the line or outside the described landing zone
  • Any Punt attempt in which the ball hits the ground prior to the foot making contact
  • Any Pass attempt that results in the pass hitting the ground behind the start line


NOTE: The start line extends the entire 20 yard distance of your Punt, Pass, & Place Kick lane. Participants may punt, pass, or kick from any point within that 20 yards.


PASS: Each team will designate 1 person for the Bonus Attempt, and this will be a separate attempt from their regular throw.

The football must be thrown from behind the start line, and at no time can any part of the participant’s body touch or cross the start line.. All passes must land within a lateral distance of 20 yards.

A bonus distance of 15 feet will be added to your total if the football strikes the target at any point before coming to a complete rest.

If you purchased a mulligan prior to the event it cannot be used for the bonus attempt.  It can only be used during the previous portion of the event.


June 7


WSU Rinzler Student Sports Complex
Rizler Student Sports Complex
Beavercreek, OH 45324 United States


Battle of The Businesses
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