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Obstacle Course

June 7


Each participating team shall consist of EIGHT coed team members (4 women & 4 men) working together through six obstacles over a distance of 100 yards. Each obstacle must be attempted and completed by all 8 team members. Only the participants in the obstacle course may assist one another. Time begins when the horn/whistle is sounded and concludes when the last team member’s entire body crosses the finish line.

Team members MUST maintain the “Human Chain” by holding hands throughout the entire course (unless specifically instructed otherwise for the mystery event).

The course includes the following six Obstacles:

  1. Skin The Snake
  2. Hula Hoop Hop
  3. Ribbon Curl
  4. Over-Under Hurdles
  5. Slalom Course
  6. Mystery Event


Participants shall join hands, in a single file line facing the same direction, forming a human chain. All hands must remain joined until the obstacle is successfully completed. At the start of the race the participant at the beginning of the chain shall have the hula- hoop on his/her wrist. The participants must move the hula- hoop along the human chain without the use of hands. As the hula-hoop moves along the chain, it may not touch the ground any time prior to reaching the end of the chain. Should it do so, a 2 second penalty will be assessed and the team will then continue advancing the hoop to the end of the chain from the point in the chain the hula-hoop touched the ground. The hula-hoop must move forward towards the end of the chain versus the hula-hoop being stationary and the chain moving through the hula-hoop. To successfully complete the obstacle, the hula-hoop must pass across the last participant’s entire body, the hula-hoop must come to rest on that participant’s arm, and both of that participant’s feet must be touching the ground. The judge will acknowledge when the task is completed and the group may then continue to the next obstacle.


  • Team must maintain human chain by holding hands the entire time
  • Hula Hoop may not touch the ground at any time (until judge signals completion)
  • Participants may not use the palm area or fingers to assist the hoop movement

Penalties (2 second for EACH infraction):

  • Breaking hands
  • Hoop touches the ground (2 seconds per touch)
  • Illegal assist of hoop



Participants must run single file through a set of 8 24” diameter hula hoops, linked at the hands. Each participant’s foot must touch the ground in the center of each hoop without contacting the hoop.


  • Team must maintain human chain by holding hands the entire time
  • Must not contact the hula hoops
  • Each participant must place one foot at least in each hoop

Penalties (2 second for EACH infraction):

  • Breaking hands
  • Skipping hoop (2 seconds per missed hoop)
  • Contact of hoop (2 seconds each occurrence)



The team will walk through a ribbon curl shaped course composed of 16” squares, placed on the ground spaced 16” apart. The team must maneuver through the course following the designated path (squares 1 thru 9 sequentially). Once the first participant reaches the 7th square, the team must then coordinate efforts to move players through the intersection of the ribbon without participants unjoining hands. The team will continue with this process until all participants have stepped on each of the 9 squares. The obstacle is complete once the last team member steps off the 9th and final square.


  • Team must maintain human chain by holding hands the entire time
  • Feet may only step on the designated squares
  • Only two feet at a time on any one square
  • Each team member must step (at least one foot) on each square of the course, no skipping squares
  • Team must follow the designated path in sequence

Penalties (2 second for EACH infraction):

  • Breaking hands
  • Foot stepping off numbered square
  • More than two feet touching a square
  • Foot touching square out of sequence




The Team must maneuver as a unit, linked at the hands through a series of five hurdles. Three of the hurdles (#1, 3 and 5) are SHORT and must be navigated OVER while two of the hurdles (#2 and 4) are TALL and must be navigated UNDER. The team must maneuver through the course navigating the hurdles in order.


  • Team must maintain human chain by holding hands the entire time
  • Each participant must maneuver over the 3 short hurdles and under the 2 taller hurdles

Penalties (2 second for EACH infraction):

  • Breaking hands
  • Navigating hurdles incorrectly (under an over or visa-versa)





The Team must navigate around a series of pylons, spaced two feet apart, in a “zig-zag” layout. Each participant must go around the outside of each pylon as illustrated in the diagram. The team must maintain the human chain by keeping hands locked throughout the entire obstacle.


  • Team must maintain human chain by holding hands the entire time
  • Each participant must navigate around each of the 6 pylons

Penalties (2 second for EACH infraction):

  • Breaking hands
  • Missing a pylon (2 seconds per participant per pylon)
  • Knocking pylon over






There will be a new obstacle that will not be unveiled until the day of the event. The obstacle will be such that there is no advantage to being in the first or last heat. Any rules necessary will be given in the bullpen and/or over the Public Address system.



June 7


Battle of The Businesses
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WSU Rinzler Student Sports Complex
Rizler Student Sports Complex
Beavercreek, OH 45324 United States
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