Event Record: Reynolds & Reynolds – 2711 pins – set in 2014
- Each participating team shall consist of FOUR coed team members (2 women & 2 men), each given three games to accumulate an overall team score.
- Bowling shoes are required for this event. They may be rented for $1 at the bowling center.
- All teams will bowl scratch, meaning no handicaps will be used in figuring the total team score.
- If a team member does not show or is late:
- The team may substitute for the missing participant using the normal substitution procedure. The substitute must begin at the frame then being bowled and May NOT catch-up any missed frames. Once a substitution is made, the substitute must complete the event.
- If no substitution is made, a late participant may begin bowling in the frame then being bowled by the team. There shall be NO catch-up regardless of when the late-arriving participant begins.
- If a bowler leaves in the middle of the match his/her score will be ZERO (0) for the remainder of the game and all subsequent games. NO substitutions can be made once a bowler has started bowling and then leaves. If a bowler is injured the Rules Committee must be notified immediately and a determination will be made at that time if a substitution will be allowed.
If the lane you are bowling on breaks or malfunctions causing your team to have to move lanes, you will be permitted a minimal warm up period.
If it is determined that a participant is not on the company’s roster, or has been illegally placed on the roster, that participants score will be recorded as a zero.