Participation Eligibility
- The maximum team size is 30 participants.
- Team members must be employees and on the payroll of the participating company or contract employees who work at least 32 hours a week for the participating company.
- Each participant competing must be 19 years of age or older prior to the first Battle event.
- Division 4 teams may include an immediate family member of employees (limited to one family member per employee).
- Battle participants may only participate once per event.
General Rules
Team Rosters must be completed and turned in to the Battle Board prior to a team’s competing in Sand Volleyball. For any changes in the original team roster, coaches must turn in a Player Substitution Card to the registration table prior to participating in the event that the substitution occurs. (See Roster Instructions for more information.)
- Completed Waivers must be on file before the team’s participation in Sand Volleyball. (See Waiver Procedure Instructions for more information.)
- If ineligible players are used and discovered, the team shall default their place and points in the event(s) that the ineligible participant was involved.
- No replacement shall be permitted after a team has begun participating in an event. A team can compete in Miniature Golf, Cornhole Ladder, Trivia Night, Tug-of-War, Bowling, and Punt, Pass & Place Kick with fewer than the required number of participants. All other events require the specified number of participants for a team to compete and receive place points. Participation points will be awarded to any team participating with fewer than the required number of participants. (See Point System).
- Metal spikes (any portion of the spike) may not be worn at any time for any event during the Battle. Anything other than metal is permitted i.e., rubber or plastic.
- All published starting times are considered forfeit times unless specific event rules provide otherwise. However, the starter will have discretionary power to delay a start. Each team shall be given one chance to participate in each event.
- Video recordings cannot be used to change the place or scoring of any team.
- If the Rules Committee determines a team’s performance has been hindered through no fault of their own (e.g., interference by another team), the team may elect to rerun the event. This rerun will take place either in a remaining heat with an open lane or immediately following the last scheduled heat of that event. The team’s coach along with the Rules Committee will make that decision. If the team elects not to rerun the event, their time/score will stand as official. If the team reruns the event, the rerun’s time/score will be recorded as official.
- Grievance forms will be available at the information table at each event. Grievances must be filed at the information table. The Rules Committee’s decision shall be final.
Shirt Penalties
All team members are required to wear their current year Battle team shirt while participating in every event. In case of inclement weather, it is understood that jackets and such may be worn over the current year team shirt.
The following penalties will be assessed for each team member failing to wear their Battle team shirt:
Grievance Procedure
We are all hopeful that everything runs smoothly with the Battle. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. To help alleviate any problems that may arise, we have a grievance procedure. The procedure is as follows:
- The team coach fills out the grievance form prior to the end of competition on the same day.
- The grievance form must be handed in at the information table. The event coordinator will investigate the grievance (i.e. speak to the timer or judge involved), and decide on a resolution.
- The team coach will be informed of the resolution.
- If the team coach is dissatisfied with the resolution, he/she may appeal to the Rules Committee.
- The decision of the Rules Committee is final.
Grievance forms will be available at the information table at each event.
Weather Policy
- All delays or cancellations due to weather will be announced at the event. Please note that there is no “rain date” for events
- The procedure below will be followed at all Battle events:
- When Sports Medicine detects dangerous lightning, the grounds must be cleared immediately with everyone going to a secure area (as directed by the board or inside your car).
- We will wait 30 minutes. If there is no other dangerous lightning detected in that time frame, the events will continue. If there is another strike any time within the 30 minutes, we will notify teams that all remaining events are cancelled.
Participation Conduct Policy
Coaches and all participants need to remember that this event is first and foremost one that fosters positive athletic competition, goodwill between teams, and is designed to stay within the Special Olympics spirit of sportsmanship.
Remember the following points as you head into competition:
- Please come to the coach’s meeting to have all rules explained prior to competition. This often saves misunderstandings during Battle Week. Some rules change from the previous year and some rules (particularly in team sports) may vary from other standard competitions.
- Make sure your teammates know the rules of the events they are participating in. This will save them embarrassment the day of the event.
- All officials’ rulings are valid and will be upheld on the actual competition field. There is a grievance procedure in place for your concerns. PLEASE do not argue, threaten, or otherwise “lose your cool” with the officials who are volunteering their time.
- Please watch your use of language at all events. In the “heat of Battle” we sometimes forget our focus. Remember that many of you bring your children to the events and we are all modeling sportsmanship for the Special Olympic athletes who are present.
- Use of alcohol is not allowed at any of the events held at Solvita or WSU Rinzler Student Sports Complex. Offenders will be asked to leave.
- Pets are not allowed within the gates of WSU Rinzler Student Sports Complex. They can be with your group outside if on a leash.
Tent Information
Many teams like to arrange for a tent to be used on the final Saturday of the Battle. When arranging for a tent please note the following:
- Absolutely No Commercial Stakes are allowed due to underground wiring.
- Those teams wanting to rent Big Tents (i.e. commercial rentals) will need to work with Prime Time Party Rentals (937) 296-9262. Commercial tents must be frame tents with weights.
- Teams with “easy up” tents will be able to use small stakes to secure them (estimated max stake size of 10 inches).
- Grills are permitted in the tent area. However, the grills Must Not be under any tent or cover due to fire hazards. Security will be checking to ensure compliance.
Waiver Procedure
Every Battle team member must sign the Battle waiver or a copy of the waiver, and hand in the completed waivers at the information desk at the Sand Volleyball venue. It is required for our insurance coverage.
Digital Waivers:. To make it easier for you to get your Battle Team waiver signatures, we have moved to digital waivers.
You can sign the waiver now or at any of the Battle Events, but we would prefer that your team members sign before the Battle starts.
Please note that the waiver includes a section granting permission to the Battle of the Businesses to use photographs and/or videos of participants for use in the promotion of the Battle and/or Special Olympics.
A team will NOT be permitted to participate in an event until the waivers have been completed.
Additional blank waivers will be available at the information desk at all events.