Battle Bucks

Battle Bucks is the fundraising portion of the Battle of the Businesses. The Battle is the number one fundraiser for Special Olympics of Greater Dayton and all funds go to support athletes in the Dayton area. The $450 entry fee paid by each team goes to the running of the Battle, including equipment, facility rentals, etc. So, the only way to help Special Olympics is to participate in the Battle Bucks campaign.

Remember that all Battle Bucks contributions are tax deductible.

A tax donation letter will be sent after Battle for all donations paid by check and for all cash donations (provided a name and address is listed on the pledge sheet).

The Battle Bucks campaign consists of Battle of the Businesses participants and company employees collecting pledges and/or holding fund raising events. Teams are encouraged to begin this process in April or May so that all pledge sheets and money can be turned in the week of the Battle. (Certainly, any money collected after Battle Week will also be appreciated but won’t be eligible for prizes). The campaign will formally conclude with a grand celebration at the Battle “After Party” when Special Olympics will be presented with a check.

Many companies offer matching gift programs for donations made by company employees to a non-profit organization. If your company has a matching gift program, make sure you ask your co-workers who are contributing to match their gift through the company program. This is an easy way to double your fundraising efforts.

A plaque will be presented to each Battle Team that reaches the following Battle Bucks goal for their division:

  • Division 1 – goal is $2,500
  • Division 2 – goal is $2,000
  • Division 3 – goal is $1,500
  • Division 4 – goal is $1,000

To thank the 2025 participants in the Battle Bucks campaign we will have a raffle at the end of Battle Week. The chances to win raffle prizes will increase in proportion to the amount raised by each individual and/or team. For each $50.00 an individual or team (for group fundraising efforts) collects, one chance will be entered into the raffle. Winners will be selected through a random number draw and prizes will be awarded at the Battle “After Party”. Winners need not be present to win. Prizes will include gift certificates to sporting events, restaurants, and entertainment.

The Battle Bucks Pledge Sheet and Team Summary are included on the following pages. Please make copies as needed. If your company needs any more information to effectively participate in Battle Bucks, contact us at or contact Barb Perkins at (937) 436-0228.

Keep in mind that the Battle of the Businesses, in conjunction with the Battle Bucks campaign, is an excellent opportunity to have a great time and support a worthwhile cause. Without you and your co-workers supporting the Battle Bucks campaign, the Battle would not be the success that past participants have made it.

Thanks in advance for working towards making the

2025 Battle Bucks Campaign the most successful one to date!

Click Here To Download The Battle Bucks Pledge Tracking Forms

Please make checks payable to: SPECIAL OLYMPICS
Don’t forget to make a pledge of your own!