You can find all the results HERE.
When we called this year’s Battle a “Mini” Battle, apparently we weren’t kidding, because this is only our second battle results update, and it’s already our last update (before the final results)! I guess this means we’ll have to make it a good one. Grab a chair and a drink. Here we go!
Sand volleyball y’all… First of all, could the weather have been more perfect? Keep in mind, it could have been 90 and sunny, or raining, but yeah no, your friendly Battle Board figured you’d enjoy a cool 75 degrees… You’re welcome! If anyone has a wedding or other big event coming up, just let us know the weather you’d like, and we’ll get it ordered!
Before we talk about sand volleyball results – first of all, how did you guys like sand compared to indoor? We’d love to hear your feedback, please feel free to reply and let us know. Second, did you see some of the amazing things that happened at Setters? For instance, teams cheering for each other, and how close some of those games were! Almost every playoff game needed a third set to determine the winner. Also, possibly the craziest thing of all, I’ve been playing volleyball for almost 15 years and have never seen a game go to 32-30. Way to go LexisNexis and Reynolds – Team 3, you set a record for the longest game many of us have ever seen. We may have to add a cap of 25 for next year!
Alright, how’s that for an intro? Need another drink? I’ll wait… Good? Okay… Here we go… Sand volleyball results!!! *DRUM* *ROLL* *PLEASE*… After a hard-fought battle in pool play, we ended up with eight teams qualifying into the playoffs (two teams from each of the four pools). They were (sorted by seed 1-8)
Ellipse, Winsupply, Skyward, Reynolds – Team 3, CareSource, LexisNexis, Vivial Black and Reynolds – Team 4. Then, everyone enjoyed a burger, beer, and the quarterfinals, which brought us to our final four: Ellipse, Reynolds – Team 3, Winsupply and LexisNexis. The semi-finals did not disappoint at all – I remember watching Ellipse vs. Reynolds – Team 3 on their third set with the score 10-10 thinking, this is literally anybody’s game. All four teams were incredibly evenly matched.
After an awesome day on the beach (or as close as we can get to a beach in Dayton, Ohio), Winsupply ended up getting the title of 2021 Sand Volleyball Champion. Congratulations, Winsupply! Our runner-up, in second place, Ellipse, was soooo close. They won the first set against Winsupply, but lost sets two and three. Great job on a strong finish Ellipse! The third vs. fourth place match was just as impressive to watch. LexisNexis ended up edging out Reynolds – Team 3, but not by much, folks. Both teams had some great swings on the ball. LexisNexis got bronze and Reynolds – Team 3 ended the sand volleyball tournament in 4th place. Great job to all teams and thank you to all players who participated or simply joined us and cheered, we enjoyed having you and seeing you!
Okay, last but not least, overall results through Saturday, July 31 – Taylor holding on to 1st place with 372 points. Reynolds & Reynolds – Team 1 in 2nd place with 350 points. Now this part is interesting, Reynolds & Reynolds – Team 3 is in 3rd place with 336 points (they must really like the number 3), BUT, get this, there are six teams within 18 points of 3rd place. So, it’s really still anybody’s game! And you know how it’ll get determined? Mini-golf!!! It’s all happening tomorrow at “The Trails”. Hole-in-one, or six? Ace, or bunker? In the hole, or in the river? Get some sleep, eat your Wheaties, and come show us your putt-putt talent tomorrow (or just come hang out and cheer for your friends).
Oh, and don’t forget, we will be presenting awards tomorrow after mini-golf (as soon as we get them ready). So, after you’re done golfing, stick around for a bit, don’t leave, and enjoy a conversation or two while we prepare the results. Weather should be great once again. Skyward & Kettering Police/Fire will be selling donuts. Make it a challenge, see if you can finish all the donuts before we can finish the results!