Montgomery County JFS Battle Team is holding their Annual Bowling fund-raiser for Special Olympics Sunday, November 15, 2015. You, your family, and friends are invited to join us either as a bowler or as a sponsor, and definitely as a cheerleader. Starts at 2 PM.
For each person that wishes to bowl:
o It will be a 10-frame game for $2.50 (including shoes) at BeaverVu Lanes
o We can have up to 6 people bowling per lane
o You will need to get sponsors to donate towards your game
o Please notify the Battle Team by 11/10/15 of your intention bowl (so we know how many lanes to reserve)
o The completed Sponsor sheet is due the day of the event
o Money MUST be collected from sponsors and is due to MCDJFS battle teammates by 11/24/15
o If you want to bowl additional games for FUN, you will still get the discounted rate of $2.50 per game.
For anyone who wishes to sponsor someone:
o You can donate a flat fee OR $.10 or $.25 per pin
o You will need to provide your pledged money to your bowler no later than 11/24/15
Download the sponsor sheet HERE.